Group Sessions

Group Psychotherapy

Targeted skill building sessions work on social, emotional, behavioral, and independent self-help abilities as well as managing and processing related thoughts and feelings. This group is for individuals with concerns related to:
AD/HD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioral Issues, Learning Difficulties, Mood Disorders, Peer Relationships, and Self-Image.

From $80 to $40 based on income. Prepaid non-refundable packages range from $56 to $20 each session based on income. The one-hour group sessions are scheduled by age group (young children through adulthood).

Therapy Support Group

This hybrid group combines therapy and support for individuals and their families/friends by working on improving communication and interpersonal relationships. Each session fee covers the identified individual plus one adult support member. For individuals with concerns related to: AD/HD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioral Issues, Learning Difficulties, Mood Disorders, Peer Relationships, and Self-Image.

From $80 to $40 based on income. Prepaid non-refundable packages range from $56 to $20 each session (income-based). One-hour sessions scheduled for Monday or Wednesday evenings at 5:00 or 6:00 pm. Various age groups offered for toddlers through adulthood.

Please bring....

Please be sure to bring....

  • A Positive Attitude
  • Acceptance
  • Participation
  • Openness
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Willingness to Grow